Understanding your company’s existing strategy, people, processes and then going to work to complete the puzzle. (develop the missing components)
Understanding your company’s marketing plan and budget to ensure leads are being generated and qualified. We implement any piece that’s missing so that sales gets what’s necessary to convert prospects to satisfied customers/clients.
Understanding your company’s operations to maximize MRR while positioning opportunities for upsell and renewals.
Access to all levels of sales professionals, resulting in spending less due to not needing to hire and manage each role. (Ex. SDR, BDR, Management, CRO)
Ability to avoid employee onboarding, training while minimizing turnover. The average cost of sales rep turnover is $97K.
Real-time knowledge of sales metrics.
A way to stop the revolving door of sales reps due to a lack of process, a poor compensation model, lack of acknowledgement and incentives, the list goes on…
Ability to start with addressing one task and grow into large roles as your company’s needs evolve.
A fresh set of eyes and new process for an existing sales team that needs a boost.
A fun & engaged team dedicated to continual progress and sales excellence.